5 Old-Fashioned Money-Saving Tips + How to Improve Them

They made do with what they had and found ways to save with the tools at their disposal.

There’s wisdom in some old-school financial approaches. Sometimes, simpler is better. Of course, we’d be foolish not to take advantage of the tools we have to make our lives — and managing our money — easier.

Saving has come a long way. Once upon a time, grown adults stashed spare cash in jars in their homes. Or maybe they got really stealthy and hid it under a mattress.

Stash Money in a Piggy Bank

Nothing says old-school-money-habit like the envelope budgeting method. You label an envelope for each of your spending categories and stuff it with only enough money to cover your budget in those areas.

Save Money with the Envelope Method

If you want to spend less, try embracing this mindset. Why buy when you can borrow, either for free or for a fraction of the cost?

Borrow Instead of Buy

If you have to make a purchase, buy quality. Back in the day, products were built to last. Similar quality still exists, but it’s hiding amidst a heap of dirt-cheap junk.

When You Make Purchases, Buy for the Long Term

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