7 Habits of People Who Destroy Debt

There’s no secret to paying down debt. If you borrow money, you have to pay it back — that’s just how it works.

Debt destroyers have mastered one important, overarching habit: They find ways to make things easier. Here’s how to apply this super habit to your major money woes and ditch debt in the process.

When you pay your monthly debt bill, a big chuck is lost to interest — it does not contribute to paying down your debt. The higher your deb’t interest rate, the more difficult that debt is to pay down.

Paying Interest Hurts

Think about every dollar you spend as making your life better. Your life is much better because of your mortgage, your utilities, food.

Paying Bills Sucks

When you’re trying to eat well, it’s easy to rack up a pricey grocery bill. Just like bills, food is an expense you can’t completely bypass.

Food is Expensive

A budget helps you keep your income over your expenses. When you can spend less than you earn, your money grows.

Budgeting is a Pain

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