How to Invest With Little (less than $100) Money

You hear the word ‘investing’ being used all the time, but the context is generally associated with wealthy individuals.

We aren’t billionaires, and we need to know how to invest with little money. There are actually lots of things we can do without having thousands to throw into the stock market. 

Aside from dabbling into the stock exchange, you can also buy into low-minimum investment mutual funds.

Mutual Funds

T-Bonds (or Treasury Bonds) are marketable securities issued by the United States government. They are available in increments of $100, which make them more affordable for starting investors.

US Treasury

This allows you to invest small amounts of money into company stocks that pay dividends. A dividend is a payout of company profit.


A lot of companies offer retirement plans to employees such as the 401K, which requires putting some of your paychecks into it every month. These can be appealing because often the company matches whatever amount you add.

401Ks and IRAs

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